miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

Personal Culture

How have either a sport, hobby, or music shaped your own personal culture? Give details to support your ideas.

Well, as my blog's name, I'm a music lover, and I specially love Classical Music. I consider Music is my personal culture since before I was born. Everything about it excites me.
Sometimes, I cannot believe how inside I am in the music. I live and breath it from the pores of my skin and I love all related to it, listen to it, enjoy it, feel it, sing and play it, understand it. Music is like my lifetime friend and love. 

Also, I like to paint, dance and design clothes. I dedicate almost all the time doing  things related to arts and it's really pleasant to do what you love everyday.

We musicians, tend to have conversations about music and make jokes about certain pieces, composers or about our daily life as musicians :) we have our own slang. 
And it's common to find very strange people studying music; we consider (or at least myself) that we are like people from another planet, I mean, we have another different way to see and perceive the world. Music make us insane, but we love it. 

I love it all about Music!

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Rachmaninoff-Piano Concerto 2 (Adagio Sostenuto)