jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Comparison between the kind of music and dance in Palenque and The Alvin Ailey dancing company

I just saw this video about Palenque http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7pULdFkuB8&list=PLDED0F2BD053520D9&index=11 

I find some similarities in the clothing, like its party and humble intention. Also, that both types of Music express parts of their history, how they have lived and how they feel about it.

The differences are that Ambulancias Alegres' music is Bullerengue, it's a very moving rhythm, that have drums as a very important instrument on this music.

Differing of Spirituals performed by the Alvin Alley, that reflect solemnity and devotion, that's why the music isn't that fast. Sometimes it seems to be a celebrating and festive music, but it still saves the peace of the feelings.

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Rachmaninoff-Piano Concerto 2 (Adagio Sostenuto)